X5 Steam Mop: YAY Or NAY

h2o X5 steam mopI was online for quite a time finding easy-to-use housekeeping equipment, and besides their brands and perhaps quality, they’re all pretty much the same. There’s nothing new in the industry, except perhaps the fact that certain innovations have been popping up like forest mushrooms, but all serving the same purposes. From cleaning tiles to window panes, these innovations somehow become advantageous as they are, after all, simple improvements of what had always been there.

Take for example steam cleaners. Steam is now involved in household cleaning, and it has definitely made things easier, as chemical agents seem too unfriendly for skin and nose and practically all the senses there is. Using chemical cleaners are hazardous, especially if there is a toddler around the house. The steam however, besides its temperature, poses no threat as it makes use of plain water. Good job, science.

Steam mops have made their way into the market due to the above reasons and it is not entirely surprising if competition ever gets tough. It is after all, an interesting take on the traditional mops that we see every day.

So in search of the best steam mops or at least the best handheld steam cleaner in town, I consulted steam cleaner reviews from different forums and trading sites.

X5 steam mopSteam Mop X5 is tough competition. One, because it is not only a steam cleaner technically built for floors like tiles and linoleums. It can also clean plush carpets, steel surfaces, even steam clothes all possible thanks to the head of the device which comes in washable mophead, cotton fiber for windows and such, cloth steamer attachment and whatnot. It can reach even the tightest spaces, just choose the right attachment head and everything follows.

The X5 steam cleaner is also lightweight and easy to carry even if the tank is full, thus it is comfortable and convenient to use. It’s just a matter of…well, point and shoot, and no piece of surface dirt will ever be safe.

And because it makes use of simply water, it is chemical-free, thus ensuring a safer way of dealing with housekeeping. If you think bacteria and odor sticking with the stain on the surface can only be removed by chemicals, think again. The pressure and the heat loosen up the muck and practically everything it contains, before the pad wipes it clean.

But just like other things, the X5 mop also has its downsides.

One is it is not compatible for use on all surfaces, particularly wood. Such surface might get destroyed if the device is used irresponsibly on it.

Another is the possible malfunctioning of the machine as it is actually still a machine that can break down or wear out over time. Overheating is also a probable threat if, again, used irresponsibly.

Lastly, the Steam Mop X5 is obviously expensive, as compared to a regular mop, or even a standard steam mop in the market. The cost, however, pays off as work can be done in a shorter span of time and the mophead is easy to clean and is actually reusable.

With all that laid down, I still have to give the Steam Mop X5 two thumbs up.

Before you purchase the product, view the customer reviews first.

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